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Key concepts Electricity Conductor Insulator
Introduction Electricity powers many of the devices you use every day. Those devices are made up of circuits, ranging from very simple (such as a lamp with a single lightbulb) to very comple
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By Yuhang Qin with Dr. Bo Zhang
COMSOL is a global provider of simulation software for product design, engineering and research in technical enterprises, labs and universities. COMSOL Multiphysics® is an integrated environment for creating physics-based models and simulation applicatio
Managing wind-farm assets can be inefficient without using the proper metering instrument transformer to monitor produced and transmitted power. Recent improvements to instrument transformer designs have increased the accuracy and stability of the current transformer’s performance range. Thi
Everything you wanted to know about the smart grid’s transformer monitoring market and weren’t afraid to ask
Director, Grid Research GTM Research
GTM Research Q&A: Transformer Monitoring Markets, Part II
Following the release of GTM Research’s Transfo
In part 1 of this three-part series, we considered the birth of the transistor, how William Shockley Jr. ended up in Silicon Valley, the origins of Fairchild Semiconductor, how the pioneering startup was funded and what eventually happened to Shockley. In part 2, we look at the evolution of pl
By Maureen Blaney Flietner | Updated Oct 18, 2021 10:27 AM
Today’s residential lighting considerations go beyond decorative fixtures. Lighting influences our general well-being. It plays a role in our energy use and the greater U.S. demand for en
As a containment system for livestock, a well-made electric fence can be both highly effective and relatively low maintenance. I’m not opposed to other methods of fencing, such as barbed wire; I’m just opposed to paying for them. If you already have a barbed wire fence, good. If yo