HV Bushing Services has completed its Achilles B1 registration, allowing it to tender for National Grid contracts.
The company is also in the process of setting up a bushing core winding facility and has some scrapped bushings, which it intends to re-core and refurbish before offering them back to the market.
New services we are now offering include:
Disposal – strip down, recycle and store reusable spares where possible and dispose of other materials in separate waste streams minimising any environmental impact
Recertification – clean, oil sample, pressure test, carry out minor repairs (which often are not detected until after electrical test which then can invalidate the test results), electrical test, oil sample repaint, repack, return to the customer with test certificate
Investigation – strip down, investigation of internal connections and internal core, report of findings, disposal or refurbishment
Refurbishment – strip down, clean all parts, strip internal core, re-wind internal core, vacuum process internal core and re-assemble with new gaskets and seals, clean, electrical test, oil sample, re-paint, re-pack, return to customer fit for service with a test certificate.
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